Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Sometimes the media seems to grab on to shows that really don't seem to have a great appeal to most people or even make much logical sense.  Wilfred is a perfect example, now by all means I do not endorse the watching of this show due to it's graphic nature.  But my roommates have been watching it, so I indulged my curiosity.  It's about a man who is severely depressed and is having halucinations of a man in a dog suit named Wilfred.  Wilfred gets the man to confront all of his inner struggles and let loose a from time to time.  The media has really held this show highly and it is now one of the top shows on cable television.  It's very surprising how this show has become beloved by viewers of all types.  The media holds much persuasion over what we find entertaining.

Star Wars Episode 7

I have been enjoying this online video program through Youtube called Clevver Movies.  They show all the most recent gossip going on in film.  Most recently they were talking about the rumors surrounding Star Wars Episode 7.  It was very interesting to see, they talked about how most of the original cast would be retuning to reprise their roles, obviously they will be 40 years older, but no big deal.   It's really interesting because in today's media, successful news is successful due to it's trustworthiness.  But I am more attracted to this program developed around rumors and possible half truths due to it's content and nature.  It makes me wonder where news media will head 10 years from now.  Cause it seems in my case at least, I'm not so concerned with the level of legitimacy as I am the content and how it relates to me.

Stone In Love

So I'm poking around Youtube and I stumble upon this fan made music video for Journey's hit song "Stone In Love".  The workmanship of the film is 100% amateur, but the content is absolutely entertaining.  I found the homages they pay to Steve Perry and the rest of the band are very comical and somewhat nostalgic.  Once the film was done I found myself wanting to see more, which is the clear mark of a good piece of entertainment.  It made me really appreciative of Youtube in our media.  Without it I would have never scene this fun video, and plus Youtube is allowing these young film makers to be seen by the public eye and possibly even be picked up by the media.  It is a very exciting prospect that the media has now brought us.

As Good As It Gets

Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinear, & Cuba Gooding Jr., what a cast of actors.  They make up the leading cast in 1998 hit motion picture "As Good As It Gets".  This film is kind of a perfect example of what entertainment is missing today in the film industry.  Within this film we absolutely no visual spectacle, all of the story and meaning is contained within the interpretation of each individual actor.  The movie takes place in Manhattan and has pretty much no beauty or special effects, yet the film is beautiful.  I have seen it several times, and it just never seems to get old.  No matter how much the media boasters up action packed movies, films which depict human nature and matters of the heart always seem to stand the test of time.  I love how we find entertainment in watching others depict how life is lived.

It's Only Life

Today I was fortunate enough to be directed to a musical by one of my close friends.  I hopped on to Youtube and searched for it, I only found a couple of videos in relation to it.  It was a very small musical produced in the UK called, "It's Only Life".  The music contained in the score was very moving and beautiful.  The two songs that seem to stick out the most were "Your Smile" & "What You Need".  It's interesting to see, because the music which has a very crooner feel to it and has great beauty, it is completely overlooked and almost unnoticed by the public, due to the media's lack of interest.  If the media were to pay the show attention and interest, public interest would take over and the show would have the potential to be a hit.  Very interesting to see how entertainment needs the media.

I Want Crazy

Hunter Hayes is a brand new country singing sensation, he has two hit's in the top ten on the Billboard Charts, "Wanted" and most recently "I Want Crazy".  Well the other day on Youtube I had the opportunity to see his new music video for the song "I Want Crazy".  I thought it was brilliant, moving, and absolutely refreshing.   In today's media, celebrities have become unbelievably self centered as sex symbols, and sell their artistic standards and morals off for cold hard cash.  We see One Direction put out music videos, and even though their song is about love, the video consists of them jumping up and down, running around the beach in order to appeal to young girls.  There is no depth, or meaning behind any of it.  Well Hunter put out this video and it was fantastic.  It focused on the feeling of the heart and wild desires and aspirations contained in a young relationship.  I felt uplifted afterwards, which is what entertainment within the media should do.

Les Miserables

Cameron Macintosh has proven to be a genius when it comes to musical theater in media entertainment.  Phantom Of The Opera took the world by storm with it's breathtaking cinematography along with it's traditional singing & score.  Well Les Miserables was made almost in the identical fashion, with one exception.  Instead of doing all of the singing for each song in the studio then applying to the film later, they had them sing each song live as they recorded it.  Now in the eyes of the media this was unprecedented and ground breaking, critics saw it as a brilliant move and more moving way of bringing the music to life.  In the eyes of the musical theater world, it was a terrible idea.  They took an incredible motion picture and spoiled it by ruining the moving music contained with in.  The music lost all of it's eloquence and beauty and just became lines sung poorly by actors who are weak singers.  Interesting how the media can effect the true ideals of the entrainment world.